Music Therapy
Restorative Yoga

These workshops are open to all.
There is no fee for yoga, drum circle or meditation for patients, survivors and a family member/caregiver. 

RESTORATIVE YOGA - for Cancer patients, survivors and their families/caregivers

Tuesdays  9:30 am
Saturdays  9:00 am
The Overlook
Fitness Center
88 Mason Home Road
Charlton, MA 01507

Please see the Yoga page under Services for more information

- with "Good Medicine" Drum Circle

Thursdays 4:00 pm
129 East Main Street
Webster MA   01570


2nd Tuesday each month
6:00 pm
129 East Main Street
Webster MA   01570




Please consider a gift to is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization



Wicked Big Car Show  Saturday June 21, 2025
Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park
We love Community Events - stop by our booth and say hello!
- click here for more information -


Annual Richard Bouvier Memorial Awarness Walk
Join us throughout October as we walk to raise awareness that "Men Get Breast Cancer Too ! "

Please contact us for more information on how you can participate.
* Note this is not a fundraising event

During October we also visit schools to speak with middle school and high school students to raise awareness.  Often male breast cancer is overlooked - for men there is no annual mammogram screening, breast health is not a part of their annual physical, and no one talks about it.

Please contact us if you are interested in bringing a speaker to your school

Meditation & Qigong
with Dawna Salkiewicz

Tuesday    February 11, 2025

These meditations are intended to assist you in releasing your stress and anxiety by relaxing the body and the mind.  The slow and gentle movements, along with guided meditation, can improve your overall sense of well-being.

Generations, East Main Plaza, Webster MA 01570

Advance Registration is required - please reach out to us to reserve your space as seating is limited
There is no charge for patients, survivors, and caregivers attending with a patient.


Join us every Thursday at 4:00 pm for "Good Medicine" Drum Circle

Generations, East Main Plaza, Webster MA 01570

Drums and rattles are available for you to use - or bring your own if you have them.
Sponsored by Kiva Centers


Is your spouse or family member a cancer patient or survivor?  Do you keep your questions, concerns or fears to yourself?  Have you wished there were others you could talk with who have been in your shoes?  Please join us for our monthly support group led by the husband of a cancer survivor.

If you are interested in speaking to or meeting with the support group leader
please send us an email or give us a call . 

for more information please email or call us at 508-304-3463

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Reduce single-use plastic in the environment and support our efforts at the same time -- has been selected by local Big Y store leadership as a benefiting non-profit in the Community Bag Program. Simply select when you purchase your bag!
Big Y Community Bag Program
We will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable Community Bag at any Big Y - don't forget to choose as your charity of choice.


serving those in
SouthCentral Massachusetts
NorthEastern Connecticut
NorthWestern Rhode Island
and beyond

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